The Blithedale Romance
Black Powder War
The Linwoods, Or,
The Linwoods, Or,
Ormond; or, the Secret Witness: With Related Texts
Throne of Jade
His Majesty's Dragon
How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You
The Awakening
The Runaway King
The False Prince
The Wise Man's Fear
Back To The Divide

Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 14 - 20

Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas
This is the second book in the Throne of Glass series, and it was better than the first because there was more freedom for the main character, which isn't surprising considering the first one had her shackled and trailed by guards and such. Now she's able to move about more or less freely. I plowed through this book in about a day (again) despite the piles of work that I was wading through for finals week---THAT'S how you know it was good! There were some really great twists, especially at the end that TOTALLY caught me off guard, which is again, pretty impressive because I'm usually pretty good at predictions. It ended on a super strong note! Very impressive! Basically, yeah, I'm a fan of this particular book (and series, so far).

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas
Unfortunately this book just came out in September, so waiting lists and such are quite long. Fortunately, I managed to get a copy anyway! :D This one takes you to a new land with a bunch of new creatures, including some chapters narrated by those creepy Ironteeth witches. The King is planning some crazy evil stuff, as any good evil King does. I'm probably about a third of the way through this one because finals work finally needed to be done. It's pretty solid so far though.

On another note...
Now that I'm home for a bit, I went to the used bookstore that's part of the town library and picked up a bunch of promising new titles. Can't wait to dive into those! I got a few Malcolm Gladwell books, as well as Ishmael which my brother has been encouraging me to read for years now. Also, it's an odd thought that soon I won't be using the 2014 tag! We're getting close now!

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