The Blithedale Romance
Black Powder War
The Linwoods, Or,
The Linwoods, Or,
Ormond; or, the Secret Witness: With Related Texts
Throne of Jade
His Majesty's Dragon
How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You
The Awakening
The Runaway King
The False Prince
The Wise Man's Fear
Back To The Divide

Saturday, July 25, 2015

July 19 - 25

The Heir by Kiera Cass
Well, when I found out that there was indeed a fourth book to the series, my previous comment about how it felt like there was more to the story kind of made me laugh. :-) however, when I realized it was set in the future and based about couples daughter, I was still a little like, ah. I read it though, and it was certainly different from the original series. It is largely predictable, but still entertaining enough. I will probably look for the books in the future, but not desperately.

The Key by Jennifer Anne Davis
I picked this book up from Amazon Kindle books for free while ago but never really got around to reading it. Honestly, my expectations of a free Kindle book were pretty low, but this one at least sounded slightly intriguing.


I don't even think this book is really that groundbreaking or anything, but I freaking loved it. There were moments that I did not expect to happen, and even the romantic intrigue was different than usual in these kinds of books. And yes, there were parts that were brutally painful and unfair, and there was no consolation for that fact except to keep reading. That, right there, is a bold move for young adult novel.

Probably the most stereotypical aspect of this book is when Darmik at the end suddenly convinces himself she's playing him and gets all cold and stupid. Misunderstandings that almost seem will feel like this? That's pretty much the bread and butter of young adult novels.

 However. Ending it with the main character being hung in front of a crowd? Um, yeah, I definitely had to buy the next book.

Red by Jennifer Anne Davis
I loved the first book so much, that I stayed up really late finishing it, and woke up early to buy the second book and start reading it before work. In fact, I was enjoying reading it so much that I asked my mom to drive us into work when I usually drive us there. I crammed as much reading time into that day as I could, and when I got home, I came home and finished it. And then I bought the next book.

War by Jennifer Anne Davis
And wonderful way to wrap everything up. However, I will say that the actual ending felt very abrupt, in like the last big important hurrah was over in about 10 seconds. I suppose that might actually be more realistic, but it was almost a little underwhelming when one of your biggest enemies is just gone within a page of encountering them in the final battle (so to speak).

Holy balls, really, this whole series was just wonderful. I can't believe I now own each book and for only ten dollars total. GO! BUY THEM NOW! THE FIRST ONE IS EVEN FREE!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

July 12 - 18

The Giver by Lois Lowry
I received a copy of this book for my birthday, and I hadn't read it in yeeears (seem to have a pattern going here lately!). I took it to the beach for my birthday and read it right through. And oh wow, did I miss a lot the first time (again, a pattern...). Re-reading this was well worth the time, and I'm so excited to read Gathering Blue again too now, and read the final book for the first time. Can't wait!

Inheritance (Eragon #4) by Christopher Paolini
And of course, I did jump right into the last Eragon book! Powering through, powering through. Busy week though, so less time for reading than I had hoped!

Friday, July 10, 2015

July 5 - 11

Brisingr by Christopher Paolini

Okay, so, somewhere in the middle of this book is where I forgot about what happened in the story, to the point where I actually had no idea (mostly) what was going to happen. It made it so exciting! And I was totally sucked into the story all over again! For example, I remembered that the lady made him a sword even though she said she wouldn't. But I totally forgot how she got around that---so clever! And the name for it, and what the name does? I was so caught off guard, you'd think I had been holding it at that moment! Anyway, really solid, and I can't wait to finish off the series (again)!

Friday, July 3, 2015

June 28 - July 4

Eldest by Christopher Paolini

Plowed through this one! I did get to the boring part about The Secret Lives of Ants that made me stop the first time I ever tried to read through this, and realized why I hated it so much: it's SOOO philosophical. Ugh. Pointless questions that can never be answered sometimes just don't need to be asked. Enjoy the mystery. Anyway, got past that and was pretty happy with the rest of the book. There honestly wasn't as much time in the elven forest as I remembered. It did have the political time with the Dwarves right before that though, so I'm sure for ten-year-old me, polotics to philosphy when I was used to magic and escapes was pretty difficult. Much better this time, though probably still not my favorite book of the series.