The Blithedale Romance
Black Powder War
The Linwoods, Or,
The Linwoods, Or,
Ormond; or, the Secret Witness: With Related Texts
Throne of Jade
His Majesty's Dragon
How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You
The Awakening
The Runaway King
The False Prince
The Wise Man's Fear
Back To The Divide

Friday, July 10, 2015

July 5 - 11

Brisingr by Christopher Paolini

Okay, so, somewhere in the middle of this book is where I forgot about what happened in the story, to the point where I actually had no idea (mostly) what was going to happen. It made it so exciting! And I was totally sucked into the story all over again! For example, I remembered that the lady made him a sword even though she said she wouldn't. But I totally forgot how she got around that---so clever! And the name for it, and what the name does? I was so caught off guard, you'd think I had been holding it at that moment! Anyway, really solid, and I can't wait to finish off the series (again)!

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