The Blithedale Romance
Black Powder War
The Linwoods, Or,
The Linwoods, Or,
Ormond; or, the Secret Witness: With Related Texts
Throne of Jade
His Majesty's Dragon
How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You
The Awakening
The Runaway King
The False Prince
The Wise Man's Fear
Back To The Divide

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 8 - 14

Legend by Marie Lu
Yep! Finished this one. It was a pretty solidly entertaining read, even if I was able to guess most of the "big plot twists" way ahead of them ever being revealed. Still worth the read. I don't really feel like I have much to say about this one---it's a pretty standard YA dystopian novel.

Rich privileged girl, poor slum boy. One pitted against the other with an unexpected similarity. Both have lost their families and friends, and both have their beliefs shaken about things they thought they knew to be true.

Prodigy by Marie Lu
Started in on the second one, and already I have my suspicions. I'm not too far in yet, but I think I have some ideas about where this is all heading... we'll see....

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