The Blithedale Romance
Black Powder War
The Linwoods, Or,
The Linwoods, Or,
Ormond; or, the Secret Witness: With Related Texts
Throne of Jade
His Majesty's Dragon
How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You
The Awakening
The Runaway King
The False Prince
The Wise Man's Fear
Back To The Divide

Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 22 - 28

What a conveniently square month February is: exactly four weeks with a nice start on Sunday.

Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
I admit, I didn't do a lot of reading this week. Only about 50 pages of this one book. I'm not sure why. Perhaps the marathon of reading for classes has worn me out a bit at this point in the year. This book is also not terribly interesting... but I'll get through it.

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