The Blithedale Romance
Black Powder War
The Linwoods, Or,
The Linwoods, Or,
Ormond; or, the Secret Witness: With Related Texts
Throne of Jade
His Majesty's Dragon
How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You
The Awakening
The Runaway King
The False Prince
The Wise Man's Fear
Back To The Divide

Saturday, September 5, 2015

August 30 - September 5

Angelfall by Susan Ee
I realized that the final book in this series had come out, so I decided I would re-read it! I remember liking it a lot a year or so ago when I first stumbled upon it for free on Amazon. Who would have thought a free book would be so good? (Well, know I have several examples as to why that's a wrong though! Remember The Key?) So I re-read this in about a day as I was packing up for school and such. Pretty solid even still! Glad to remember that it held up. It made me laugh aloud several times, too. :)

World After by Susan Ee (book 2)
I remembered the second book less well for whatever reason, and daaaang did it get real! This was way darker than I remembered, complete with demonic baby sisters and flesh sacrifices, and horrific mutilation and disturbing psychological issues all around. Fun times! Not to mention the horrible depressing moments. Basically: a very good follow-up to the first.

End of Days by Susan Ee (book 3)
WHOOOOOOOO FINAL STAND! This book took me to hell and back, through the back of a demon. WELL DAMN. It was heartbreaking and gave some redemption to the bad guy. I love when books force the reader/characters to look at the situation and people from different perspecitves. Why is that guy so evil and miserable? Uh, well, actually, it's because you and all his friends abandoned him to eternity (basically) in hell. So that could really kill someone's kindness and all. I was pretty impressed with the talent show scheme at the end; that was really brilliant (literally, for the characters!) and touching and fun. And horrifying, of course. Susan did not skimp on the horror in the final book at all. In fact, she even set humanity up for the true apocalypse, complete with horrifying hell-monsters that are apparently going to lurk in the depths of the world until they decide to come back. The ties to the romance plot were meh, but that's not really what I cared about with this series. It was a unique dystopian kind of book that was written before this crazy dystopian fad became a thing. And having the monsters be angels? Well, okay, that just is not something I've ever read before. I'm super impressed with this series and admire Susan Ee for contemplating agnostic angels.

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
I've had my eye on this since early this spring and finally got around to picking it up in the few open days I had between moving back up to school and actually starting classes. Basic summary: Cadence is part of this super rich, super white family. They vacation on a private island on the east coast of the US every summer. She hangs with her cousins and a friend that she has a sort-of relationship with and they have a grand old time. But then Cadence learns that this last summer she came to consciousness on one of the small beaches of the island in just her underwear/sleepwear with a vicious head injury that kept her from remembering anything. Her family keeps her away from the island for a summer, and when she gets back no one will tell her anything. Her grandfather destroyed the old house though, and built this sad cold building of glass in its place. She slowly remembers bits and pieces of what happened that summer, like the manipulation of the adults as they tried to each win a piece of their grandfather's estate after the grandmother died a few years back. **HUGE SPOILERS** Highlight to read! Cadence remembers that she and her cousins decided to teach them a lesson about being greedy by burning down her grandfather's house and all of the things that the parents were fighting over possession of. Okay, she's pretty cool with that (which is weird). But then she also realizes that they killed two of the family dogs in that fire because they forgot to let them out of the room they had been locked in when everyone went off the island (a result of their fighting). Cadence is freaking crushed because HOLY SHIT she killed two dogs, their dogs, her dogs, she burned them alive, she's basically a terrible person. She runs through the memory of setting the fire, the plan to each take a floor of the house and douse it with gasoline, light it up, and run like hell. To ditch their gasoline-covered clothes and claim ignorance from a sheltered area of the island. She remembers that she had the first floor, the ground floor. She lit it up too fast, ran out, ditched her clothes, didn't see anyone, ran back in a panic, got badly burnt, trapped her cousins in the house from her fire on the first floor, trapped them in the house with the dogs, they died, the cousins and boyfriend died and she killed them they all burned to death in a fire with their beloved grandmother's memories and their two beloved family dogs. 



Okay, so that was a lot, but I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!! I thought the dogs and the freaking ARSON were the big twists of whoa-ness not THAT! Wow. So I cried a lot as I realized what had happened. That's some hardcore real writing right there. I LOVED that this did not in any way have a happy ending. She states that she must endure knowing now what she knows, and knowing that her family kind of has an idea of what happened even if they don't want to face it, and knowing that the drinking and grief that has invaded the family is on her. It is.


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